Monday, January 11, 2016

Newly-released footage shows Mexican marines in a shootout with cartel henchmen before the capture of drug lord El Chapo

The video, aired Monday by Mexican TV channel Televisa, shows Mexican marines surrounding Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman and his henchmen at their hideaway in the northern city of Los Mochis.

Heavy gunfire exchanges follow shouts by the marines of 'Security upstairs' in an apparent reference to the men guarding the drugs trafficker.
One of the marines is injured during the gunfight and receives encouragement from a colleague who can be overheard telling him 'Stay calm kid' as he lies on the ground unable to move.
Newly-released video shows the raid by Mexican marines that ended in drug lord El Chapo's arrest on Friday in Sinaloa, Mexico 

One of the Marines involved in El Chapo's capture suffered non-life-threatening injuries    
Another marine, his face covered and a camera on top of his helmet, responds by throwing several grenades into the room where El Chapo's lieutenants are hiding out before illuminating it with the light mounted on top of his weapon and firing off several rounds.
A superior appears to guide him into the room as he advances before pointing the way forward for reinforcements he has ordered to help out.
The bodies of at least two criminals can be seen lying in the dust-filled room - furnished with little more than a table and chair and a fridge with its door open and its contents spilled out on the floor - as the soldiers move forward between shouts of encouragement and warnings to be careful.
The official in charge of the operation can be heard yelling: 'Back him up here' and 'One more on this side' over the exchange of gunfire and explosions.
Moments later the marines attempt to advance upstairs while the superior orders others advancing from room to room: 'Search the room well.'
Above, some of the damage done to El Chapo's Los Mochis, Mexico hideout during the Friday raid 
Mexican authorities organized the raid after getting a tip about El Chapo's whereabouts 
El Chapo has been on the run since July, when he broke out of Mexico's most secure prison 
El Chapo has been on the run since July, when he broke out of Mexico's most secure prison 
One of the criminals is taken alive by several well-armed marines before having his hands tied behind his back as he kneels on the floor.
Another is captured in a ground-floor bedroom and told to lie face face-down on the floor before the marines move on.
They open the door to a first-floor bathroom to find a woman cowered on the ground under the sink.
She responds in a whimper from the floor as soldiers demand to know how many men are upstairs: 'Six, sir'.
A man appears to be lying dead on the bed in the neighboring room in front of a TV that is still on.
At the end of the 15-minute-long footage the man in charge of the bloody operation can be heard telling base over a radio: 'We have one man dead and two women and two men alive.
'We are continuing to check the property.'
The astonishing scenes were filmed on Friday morning during a three-hour operation which began at 4am local time and ended with Guzman's capture and return to prison following his jail escape in July. El Chapo doesn't appear in the astonishing footage. 
Guzman initially gave Mexican security forces the slip by opening a secret doorway hidden behind a mirror, and descending into a sophisticated tunnel leading to the city's drains.
Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman Loera pictured above in the moments after his capture 
Before he was caught, Guzman spent hours below ground as his henchmen sought to lure pursuing Marines up toward the roof of the house he had been holed up in.
As rains started to fill the drains, Guzman eventually emerged from a manhole near a gas station a mile across town and stole a car at gunpoint.
The video broadcast on Monday shows images of the interior of the group floor dressing room where the tunnel entrance was hidden.
It took the Marines 90 minutes to find the tunnel entrance, giving Guzman a crucial headstart to flee. The lever to open the reinforced door behind the mirror was concealed in the light of the dressing room.
Marines found another hole beneath a fridge which proved to be a red herring, the apparent beginnings of a project to build another escape route. They also found two women cowering in one of the home's five bathrooms.
'My holidays are over,' Guzman said when he was finally caught, Televisa reported.
Items found by Marines at the Los Mochis property included DVDs of La Reina Del Sur, a fictional series about a female drug boss starring Mexican actress Kate del Castillo.
Images broadcast by Televisa showed blood and bullet holes spattered on the white walls of the house. In Chapo's downstairs bedroom, there were flatscreen TVs and a sofa littered with injectable testosterone, syringes, antibiotics and condoms.


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